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MANA 3100 (3-1-0) Time Management and Leadership Training

Practical techniques in goal-setting, planning, delegating, managing stress, leading, overcoming over-commitment, and crisis management.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring.

MANA 3301 (3-3-0) Principles of Management (S-L)

This course covers principles of planning, organizing, staffing, leadership and control, and the decision-making processes. Topics will also include the history of management, current issues relevant to managers, and future directions for organizations. This course contains a field-based service-learning component.

Requisites: 30 hours Required, sophomore status.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

MANA 3302 (3-3-0) Principles of Human Resource Management

Philosophies and policies of the personnel management system, planning and staffing, training and development, labor relations, understanding and managing people, financial compensation, and assessment.

Requisites: MANA 3301 (S-L).

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

MANA 3303 (3-3-0) Principles of Organizational Behavior

A comparative study of traditional management and organizational behavior theories and philosophies. An interdisciplinary approach will provide depth and breadth analysis of areas of activities in which management functions occur.

Requisites: MANA 3301 (S-L).

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

MANA 3305 (3-3-0) Managerial Statistics

Measures of central tendency, time series, forecasting, correlation, and regression analysis, and introduction to probability with business applications.

Requisites: Must have completed general studies math requirement.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

MANA 3306 (3-3-0) Management Communication

A survey of sending and receiving skills necessary for effective communication in the business environment. Topics covered include writing effective letters, memos, and reports; group dynamics and effective meetings; nonverbal communication; listening; perception and semantics; and oral reporting.

Requisites: ENGL 1301, 1302, or equivalent courses.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

MANA 3307 (3-3-0) A Christian Worldview of Business, Politics, and the Law

(LED 3307; POLS 3307)

This course is designed to provide students with a foundational understanding of a Christian worldview and how that worldview interacts with their role in business, politics, law, and other civic engagement. Students will learn how to connect their faith with their roles at home, work, and in the community.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Spring.

MANA 3312 (3-3-0) Human Resource Analytics

This course is designed to inform and educate students with practical approaches and interactive resource tools. Data analytics allows professionals to inform, transform, and resolve Human Resource challenges central to achieving organizational success. The intent is to provide students with the technology, skills, and knowledge of analytics for future careers and advancement. These skills will apply better decision-making approaches, evaluation and reformation of programs, workforce planning strategies, and management of the talent management cycle.

Requisites: MANA 3302; MANA 3305.

Offered: Fall, Spring.

MANA 3313 (3-3-0) Compensation and Benefits Management

This course focuses on wage and salary administration in both public and private organizations; total compensation systems; pay models and strategy; pay levels, mix, and structure; interrelationship among employee performance, intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, perceived equitable payments; and employee satisfaction; employee benefits; employee incentive programs.

Requisites: MANA 3302; MANA 3305.

Offered: Fall, Spring.

MANA 4301 (3-3-0) Operations and Quality Management (AGP)

(MANA 5333, SCM 5333)

This course explores the development of model-based systems used by management to plan, organize, implement, and continuously improve operations. Quality and process reengineering tools will be examined and utilized by class members to solve operational challenges. (This course is AGP-eligible.)

Requisites: MANA 3301 (S-L)

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

MANA 4302 (3-3-0) Internship in Management

Students will work a minimum of 120 hours in an internship and will apply and add to the knowledge developed in the classroom.

Requisites: Management major, minimum 60 hours, minimum 3.0 GPA.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

MANA 4304 (3-3-0) Introduction to AI from a Business Perspective

(MANA 5304)

This course provides a comprehensive understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications in the business environment. Students will explore AI concepts, techniques, and tools, and learn how to leverage them for decision-making, productivity, and innovation in various industries. Through practical examples, case studies, and hands-on assignments, students will develop the necessary skills to effectively apply AI technologies to solve business problems and drive organizational success.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall

MANA 4307 (3-3-0) Cross-Cultural Management

This course examines cross-cultural issues and problems facing local and international business operations. The role of the cultural integration function and its impacts on organizations in dealing with these problems is explored.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Online, Periodically.

MANA 4311 (3-3-0) Professional Sports Management

An exploration of the elements of managing sport at the professional level, including careers, economics, sports law, communication, personnel issues, marketing, TV, and Christianity in sports.

Requisites: MANA 3301 (S-L).

Offered: Periodically.

MANA 4315 (3-3-0) International Travel in Management

This course provides an overview of the cultural awareness and sensitivity needs of the decision-maker. Emphasis is given to introducing students to the skills needed in the development of business leaders. Specific attention is given to such areas as intercultural communication, cultural sensitivity, cosmopolitanism, acculturation, effective intercultural performance, cultural management influences, cultural synergy, and world culture.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Periodically.

MANA 4316 (3-3-0) Management and Communication in Film

(COMA 4316)

This course is designed to look at the Star Wars movies from two different perspectives. Half of the course will examine the movies from a historical and cinematographic perspective. The other half of the class will examine the series from a leadership/management perspective. Ultimately, both sides will come together to see how both can be used to illustrate a Christ-centered worldview.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Periodically.

MANA 4319 (3-3-0) Communication Styles: A Key to Business Success

(COMA 4319; MALA 5322)

An in-depth investigation of various communication, leadership, and personality styles and how they affect one’s competency rating in the world of business. Students will be encouraged to discover how they interact with others as well as learn how their communication strengths and weaknesses affect interpersonal relationships in the workplace. Assessment will use varied personality inventories.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

MANA 4320 (3-3-0) Strategy and Problems in Management

A synthesis of the business disciplines in an applicational context. Basics of historic strategic planning models, as well as emerging theories, will be considered. A case study approach is utilized to develop an understanding of the practical challenges of creating organizational strategies. (Test fee).

Requisites: ACCT 2301, 2302; FINA 3301; MANA 3301 (S-L), 3306 (for BBA only); and MRKT 3301.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

MANA 4321 (3-3-0) Christian Perspectives in Management

(MANA 5321)

Management principles are taught from the standpoint of a Christian worldview. The course is specifically designed to provide the student with an effective decision-making framework for the business world.

Requisites: None; MANA 3301 recommended.

Offered: Periodically.

MANA 4322 (3-3-0) Servant Leadership

This course examines the topic of servant leadership and how this leadership style relates to other secular philosophies of leadership. Students will study the qualities that have led others to become servant leaders and will examine how these qualities can be developed in their own lives. The work of Greenleaf and other current writers on this topic will be introduced.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Periodically, Online.

MANA 4331 (3-3-0) Independent Readings in Management

This course provides students with a critical capacity for reading and comprehending current literature in the field of management. It also provides a foundation for managers to consider viewpoints contained in bookstand publications as compared to textbooks.

Requisites: MANA 3301 (S-L).

Offered: Periodically.

MANA 4340 (3-3-0) Global Initiatives in Management (AGP)

(MANA 5311)

Introduction to basic concepts and practices in international business, with the main emphasis on operational and management problems of multinational corporations. Topics to be covered include the nature and characteristics of international business, strategy and structure of multinational corporations, effects of multinational corporations on the U.S. economy, and career issues in international business. (This course is AGP-eligible.)

Requisites: MANA 3301 (S-L).

Offered: Fall, Online.

MANA 4341 (3-3-0) Negotiations in Management

A study of negotiation as it relates to management theory and practice. Examines the negotiation process, participants, and potential outcomes. Focus is on the relationship of these factors to effective management/labor working relationships. Students will gain firsthand insights through classroom negotiation.

Requisites: MANA 3301 (S-L).

Offered: Fall.

MANA 4342 (3-3-0) Business Ethics

The foundations and theories of ethics as related to the marketplace and the modern corporation. Various theories of ethical decision-making are studied for the purpose of understanding keys to effective ethical systems. Case studies are utilized for the purpose of giving the business manager practical skills for ethical decision-making.

Requisites: Junior standing.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

MANA 4355 (3-3-0) Leadership in East Asia

A comprehensive introduction to and survey of the principles of leadership in East Asian culture will be covered. This course examines the topic of leadership issues in East Asia and how the leadership style has been developed in East Asian societies. Students will study the historical and cultural backgrounds of leadership in China, Japan, and Korea, and examine how cultural values influence the methods of leadership. Emphasis is placed on the comparative study of leadership philosophies and practices between East Asian culture and American culture. Students will become familiar with past and current leaders in East Asia, and study the development of leadership skills in a cross-cultural environment to enable them to become effective business and organizational leaders in East Asian culture.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Periodically.

MANA 4389 (3-3-0) Global Strategy and Operations

A synthesis of the business disciplines with an emphasis on the global environment in which modern business takes place. Strategic planning models and operations for both domestic and international markets will be considered. An experiential approach is utilized to develop understanding of the practical challenges of creating and implementing organizational strategies.

Requisites: ACCT 2301, ACCT 4305 (can be concurrent; BBA only), MANA 3301 (S-L), BUAD 3301 (BBA only), ENTR 3301 (BBA only), and MRKT 3301.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.