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KNES 1101 (1-1-0) Fitness for Living

This course is designed to lay the foundation for an individualized lifetime wellness program. It involves a combination of cognitive and exercise components.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

KNES 1103 (1-1-0) Basketball

A course designed for the beginning basketball player. Fundamental skills, basic offensive, and defensive strategies, and basic rules are taught.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

KNES 1104 (1-1-0) Soccer

A course to familiarize students with the rules, fundamentals, strategies, and health benefits of soccer.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring.

KNES 1106 (1-1-0) Beginning Golf

A course designed to teach the student golfer the basic fundamentals of the golf swing. Particular attention will be given to ball flight laws, principles of the golf swing and preferences, ball flight control, and the rules of golf and golf etiquette. Additional course fee.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

KNES 1108 (1-1-0) Group Exercise

A course in which the healthy student, through active participation, will develop knowledge and skill sufficiently adequate to provide enjoyment for these cardio-respiratory activities to become personal, lifetime, recreational fitness activities.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring.

KNES 1109 (1-1-0) Snow Skiing

An activity course designed to teach fundamentals, techniques, equipment used, and clothing for alpine and cross-country skiing. The opportunity to register for this course will coincide with the DBU ski trip. Additional course fee.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Winter.

KNES 1111 (1-1-0) Outdoor Education

A course in outdoor educational activities including backpacking, camping, hiking, and orienteering. Activities may include an overnight backpacking/camping trip in a Texas state park. Additional course fee.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer.

KNES 1112 (1-1-0) Recreational Activities

A course designed to experience a variety of recreational activities such as hiking, backpacking, ropes course, etc. The emphasis is on emotional relaxation through recreation. Additional course fee.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Periodically.

KNES 1113 (1-1-0) Aerobic Activities

A physical activity course designed to develop muscular strength and endurance as well as improve cardiovascular health through the engagement in various aerobic activities such as walking, jogging, biking, and swimming, among others. The course will primarily focus on endurance and will introduce the fundamentals and benefits of aerobic activities while simultaneously engaging in a consistent workout program. The course will examine the benefits of aerobic activities as well as possible associated risks and injury prevention techniques. Students will have the opportunity to engage in multiple forms of aerobic activity over the course of the semester as they seek to find joy and fulfillment through physical exercise.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring.

KNES 1115 (1-1-0) Beginning Tennis

(KNES 1116)

A course in beginning-level tennis skills and techniques, rules, scoring, singles, and doubles strategy, and etiquette. Fall,

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

KNES 1117 (1-1-0) Beginning Resistance Training

A course designed to improve and/or maintain each student’s level of physical fitness through resistance training, calisthenics, and aerobic and anaerobic activities. Major emphasis will be placed on improving muscular strength and toning of muscle groups through use of resistance training.

Requisites: The Online class requires students to have membership and/or access to an approved resistance training facility.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

KNES 1118 (1-1-0) Volleyball

An activity course designed to provide the information and structure required to build quality volleyball team and individual skills. Sport history, rules, drill and practice routines, strategies and sports.

Requisites: None.

Offered:  Fall, Spring.

KNES 1120 (1-1-0) Varsity Athletics

A course in which the varsity athlete, through active participation, will develop fundamental sport skills, principles of strength training/conditioning, and an overall appreciation and awareness of physical and emotional benefits of exercise and sport participation. This course may be taken once within student’s degree plan. Approval of Athletic Director and Head Coach is required.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring.

KNES 1122 (1-1-0) Rhythmic Activities

A course involving the study of rhythmic activities from a cultural and recreational perspective. It involves performing a variety of rhythmic activities and it gives students the opportunity to develop socially as they participate in this lifetime activity. Additional course fee.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Periodically.

KNES 1127 (1-1-0) Intermediate Resistance Training

This course is designed to help students identify and understand the benefits of resistance training, how resistance training affects the body, and learn the intermediate level exercises and training routines for complete muscular development, expanding beyond more general basic resistance training content. Students will be instructed at a deeper level on some of the more complex exercises and training methods, providing an opportunity to develop skills in specific areas of strength training such as training for hypertrophy, endurance, and power.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring.

KNES 2301 (3-2-0) Introduction to Health Sciences and Kinesiology

This course, mandatory for all Health Science, Kinesiology, and Sport Management majors, presents essential introductory information that will assist the student in determining a field of study and pursuing a career in an array of health science and kinesiology-related professional contexts. Students will be introduced to multiple professions in health sciences and kinesiology, the qualifications for pursuing these fields as well as professionalism expectations and considerations.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring.

KNES 2305 (3-3-0) Contemporary Leadership in Sport, Athletics, and Recreation (S-L)

A comprehensive look at leadership in sport, athletics, and recreation contexts. Emphasis will be placed on principles of leadership, the sociology of sport, psychology of coaching, coaching strategies, and coaching methods. This course contains a field-based service-learning component.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring.

KNES 2309 (3-3-0) Adapted Kinesiology (S-L)

(SPED 2309)

An overview of various disabling conditions, laws that apply to persons with disabilities, and methods of adapting physical activities and sports so that all individuals, regardless of ability or disability, may enjoy and benefit from them. Moreover, through community service and socialization with persons with disabilities, students will gain experience and sensitivity that textbooks/classrooms cannot provide. This course contains a field-based service-learning component.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Spring, Online.

KNES 3301 (3-3-0) Sports Ethics

(SPRM 3301)

A study of the moral/ethical issues involved in the area of sports. The course will concentrate on addressing the issues involved in sports in modern society from a biblical perspective at the youth, high school, and college levels. The moral/ethical issues involved with professional sports will be addressed as well.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall.

KNES 3302 (3-3-0) Research, Statistics, and Technology in Health and Human Performance

This course will create a foundational knowledge in research methods, design, and interpretation of data within health and human performance contexts. This course will also explore the impact of technology on research, data-driven decision-making, and the quest for peak athletic and human performance. The aim of this course is to prepare the student to be a critical consumer of information; seeking the ability to conduct educated syntheses of pertinent research through an understanding of the research and statistical method in which it is conducted and presented, as well as the context in which it is carried out.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring.

KNES 3303 (3-2-0) Anatomical Kinesiology and Orthopedic Injury

This course provides an in-depth study of the structure of the human body with an emphasis on the musculoskeletal system and its function in the mechanics of human movement. Physical principles concerning the governing of health and injury will be studied and applied with an emphasis on neuromuscular fundamentals, movement analysis, and application to human movement and performance. This course helps provide a foundation for more advanced work in biomechanics and exercise physiology.

Requisites: BIOL 2405, BIOL 2406 (Recommended)

Offered: Fall, Spring.

KNES 3306 (3-3-0) Coaching Interscholastic Sports

A course organized to focus on basic and advanced strategies and coaching methods of team and/or individual sports. This course is primarily for those who want to coach at the secondary level.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall.

KNES 3310 (3-3-0) Recreation Leadership

(CPRM 3310)

A study of recreation problems and the development of competence in leadership techniques in recreation programs.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

KNES 3326 (3-3-0) Motor Learning and Skill Development

A course designed to help prospective kinesiologists to become knowledgeable in theories of motor learning and to apply this knowledge in the development of their own teaching methods. This course will include types and theories of learning and factors affecting the development of motor skills.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring.

KNES 3345 (3-3-0) Pedagogy of Kinesiology

(EDUC 3345)

This course covers knowledge and skills in movement areas such as movement education, games, sports, stunts, tumbling and gymnastics, physical fitness, and rhythmic activities as well as physical health and safety and social development through movement. Emphasis on identifying the TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) in videotapes and observations, on writing lesson plans and teaching lessons, and on preparing for the appropriate portion of the TExES examination. Elementary school physical education observations at a local school are required.

Requisites: Sophomore standing.

Offered: Fall.

KNES 4105 (1-1-0) Critical Issues in Kinesiology

Critical analysis of program changes and innovations influenced by sociological, cultural, and economic trends; identification and analysis of basic issues affecting programs in athletics and kinesiology. CP course only.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Periodically.

KNES 4301 (3-3-0) Exercise Physiology (AGP)

This course will introduce students to the anatomical, physiological, neural, hormonal, and chemical changes of the human body that are associated with exercise and work. The neuromuscular and cardiorespiratory system will be covered in depth from the cellular level to the performance application and effects of training and exercise. Special topics will also be covered such as design of training programs, environmental factors to exercise performance, body composition considerations, ergogenic aids, nutrition, special populations, and gender-specific differences. (This course is AGP-eligible.)

Requisites: BIOL 2405 (BIOL 2406 Recommended)

Offered: Fall, Spring, Online.

KNES 4302 (3-3-0) Organization and Administration of Kinesiology and Athletic Programs

(SPRM 4302)

A study of the organization and administration of kinesiology, intramural, and interscholastic programs including administrative policies and procedures, staff, facilities and equipment, budget, office management, schedules, and public relations.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

KNES 4303 (3-3-0) Applied Biomechanics (AGP)

This course is designed to provide the student with an applied knowledge of the concepts of mechanics as they apply to human movement. Anatomical structure as well as fundamental mechanical principles affecting human movement will be reviewed and applied through directed case study experiences. Techniques and methods of human movement mechanics will be explored using qualitative and quantitative assessment, considering muscle and joint actions, the resulting forces, and the effects on the mechanical system of the human body. (This course is AGP-eligible.)

Requisites: BIOL 2405 (BIOL 2406 and KNES 3303 recommended).

Offered: Fall, Spring.

KNES 4304 (3-3-0) Performance Nutrition

A course designed to study functionality of foods and nutrients and their effects on health-related fitness and performance. Special emphasis will be given to nutrient timing, training, and performance as well as nutrition assessment, supplementation, and Periodization planning. Current issues in sports nutrition will be included.

Requisites: BIOL 2405, 2406 (recommended).

Offered: Fall, Spring.

KNES 4306 (3-3-0) Exercise for Special Populations

This course will provide foundational, as well as practical information regarding exercise for those that may be affected by various conditions, diseases, disabilities, or life stages. An overview of each will provide information on unique circumstances that will impact exercise responses, effects of exercise training on specific conditions, and recommendations for exercise testing and programming.

Requisites: BIOL 2405.

Offered: Spring.

KNES 4307 (3-3-0) Exercise Testing and Prescription

A course designed to introduce students to physiological testing protocols, fitness evaluations, exercise designs, and the underlying theoretical principles involved. It also involves the study of basic electrocardiography.

Requisites: BIOL 2405 or 2406 is recommended. Students must have current CPR certification by the end of this course.

Offered: Fall.

KNES 4308 (3-3-0) Psychology of Sport, Exercise, and Human Performance

(PSYC 4308)

This course will introduce students to the field of sport psychology through a foundational study of pertinent theories and concepts, psychological variables, and the application of these variables to sport, exercise, and human performance. This interdisciplinary field of psychological study in sport and exercise is ideal for students that will be working with athletes in any capacity, those pursuing physical education, or those engaged in various other professions within sport, fitness, or human performance.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring.

KNES 4312 (3-3-0) Periodization Training

A course designed to study training theory, training methods, and Periodization of training for maximizing athletic performance. Special emphasis will be given to annual training plans, training cycles, and peaking for competition. Current issues in training methods and theories will be included.

Requisites: KNES 4301.

Offered: Fall.

KNES 4320 (3-3-0) Essentials of Athletic Performance Development

This course is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of strength and conditioning, providing the student for the national certification test through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA-CSCS). Emphasis will be placed on the exercise sciences (anatomy, exercise physiology, and biomechanics) and nutrition, exercise technique, program design, and testing and evaluation.

Requisites: BIOL 2405, 2406, junior or senior standing.

Offered: Spring.

KNES 4336 (3-3-0) Internship in Kinesiology and Health Sciences I (S-L) (AGP)

This course provides students with the opportunity to apply their academic knowledge in a variety of kinesiology, sport management, or health science-related professional contexts. Students will seek out internship or clinical observation hours in a setting that directly relates to their career pursuits and is often necessary for application into advanced professional programs. Related course content will also be delivered discussing topics such as resume and cover letter writing, servant leadership, personality and professional calling, and motivation. This experience is co-supervised by a Faculty Internship Coordinator and a selected internship site supervisor. Students will complete 120 hours of contact time for this internship. This course contains a field-based service-learning component. (This course is AGP-eligible.)

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

KNES 4337 (3-3-0) Internship in Kinesiology and Health Sciences II

This course provides students with the opportunity to apply their academic knowledge in a variety of kinesiology, sport management, or health science-related professional contexts. The student will seek out internship or clinical observation hours in a setting that directly relates to their career pursuits and is often necessary for application into advanced professional programs. This internship will serve as an elective for Kinesiology and Sport Management majors. This internship curriculum builds upon the foundational professional development and practical experience curriculum of Internship in Kinesiology I, focusing on project management within your professional context of interest. This internship requires 80 contact hours of supervised professional experience along with the completion of an internship project.

Requisites: KNES 4336.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.