ENTR 3301 (3-3-0) Principles of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
This course examines the principles of innovation and entrepreneurship in the context of problem identification and solution, the generation of solutions through entrepreneurial efforts and business ideation, and the creation of new value that is the foundation of business activities. Students will explore the characteristics and motivations of entrepreneurs, the role of innovation and entrepreneurship in modern society, and what it means to live out these roles with a biblical worldview. In this context, students will begin the process of developing a biblically based innovative and entrepreneurial mindset.
Requisites: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
ENTR 3304 (3-3-0) Market Problems and Solutions
This course focuses on the role of the manager, entrepreneur and other change agents as a problem-solver, including the processes involved in anticipating, recognizing, diagnosing, and generating solutions for social, cultural, organizational, and the special class of problems known as wicked problems.
In addition to the entrepreneurial change agent role in developing creative solutions to organizational problem-solving, the course will explore the possible roles of business and other organizations in addressing large-scale social and global problems. Such problems represent legitimate business opportunities and threats and, thus, the search for solutions is explored in terms of emerging business and social models.
Requisites: None.
Offered: Spring.
ENTR 3305 (3-3-0) Marketing in the Start-Up
(MRKT 3305)
Startup firms struggle with a “liability of newness” and a “liability of smallness.” Therefore, these firms must create maximum impact in the marketplace with the limited resources at their disposal. Marketing in the Start-Up focuses on ways in which an entrepreneur can exploit personal networks, competitive differences, innovation, rapid deployment, and exemplary customer service to differentiate themselves in their markets. An emphasis is placed on the leader’s need to move quickly, learn quickly, pivot, and maximize resources all while stewarding investments, communicating with investors, and developing a group of advisors to provide Godly counsel.
Requisites: ENTR 3301, MRKT 3301.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
ENTR 3306 (3-3-0) Innovative Technologies: Past, Present, and Future
This course focuses on the historical trajectories of innovative and inventive activities that have created business opportunities in the past, and that represent the foundations of the current technological landscape. Further, students will learn techniques for understanding cultural, social, political, global, and technological trends that will likely create innovative and entrepreneurial opportunities for business in the future.
Requisites: None.
Offered: Fall.
ENTR 3314 (3-3-0) Social Entrepreneurship
Social Entrepreneurs are motivated to see the world as it can be, not as it is. This interdisciplinary course examines the social change through innovative solutions to social issues. Students in the course are expected to think critically about the role of the social entrepreneur in generating, leading, and sustaining social change. This course will help students understand the nature of social entrepreneurship and to recognize how it can be used as a tool to address social problems of all kinds.
Requisites: MANA 3301 (S-L) recommended.
Offered: Alternate Spring.
ENTR 3315 (3-3-0) Systems and Design Thinking (S-L)
This course introduces the student to the criticality of systems thinking and design thinking for building successful organizations and businesses. The course will accomplish several different, but complementary, objectives. First, the student should gain an appreciation for the role of organizations in larger social and economic systems. Further, students should be able to comprehend the interconnected systems within organizations, and to which organizations are connected. We will also apply design thinking tools and methods in the proper contexts, in pursuit of value-creating organizational transformation. It is important to keep in mind that, while business organizations constitute an important element of class discussions, the focus of this course is on design and development of all organizational types, as systems and design thinking play a crucial role in these contexts. This course contains a field-based service-learning component.
Requisites: MANA 3301, ENTR 3301, ENTR 3304
Offered: Spring.
ENTR 4302 (3-3-0) Internship in Entrepreneurship
Students will work a minimum of 120 hours in an internship and will apply and add to the knowledge developed in the classroom.
Requisites: Entrepreneurship major, minimum 60 hours, minimum 3.0 GPA.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
ENTR 4303 (3-3-0) Special Topics in Entrepreneurship
A study of selected topics, strategies, or problems facing the entrepreneur today. Examples are e-commerce, capital markets, ideation, and lean start-up. May be repeated for credit when content changes. Grade replacement for special topics courses may only be accomplished under special topics courses with the same topic and content.
Requisites: ENTR 3301.
Offered: Periodically.
ENTR 4306 (3-3-0) Leading Innovation
This course focuses on the role of the manager, entrepreneur and other change agents as transformational leaders in the pursuit of creating value through innovation. The course leads students to bring an entrepreneurial mindset to organizational problems and find, develop, and implement innovative solutions. At the same time we shine a light on leading innovative processes that create customer solutions. Finally, we examine processes aimed at leading innovative conversations and efforts in the realm of social problems, including those that are often confronted in the act of Christian ministry.
Requisites: ENTR 3301, MANA 3301
Offered: Fall
ENTR 4320 (3-3-0) Entrepreneurial Finance
(FINA 4320)
This course prepares the entrepreneur to effectively plan for, execute, and control financial aspects of a new venture. The course includes business valuation methods, development of pro forma financial statements, financial statement analysis, cash flow management, and identifying and evaluating sources of capital including debt and equity forms.
Requisites: ACCT 2301 required; FINA 3301 recommended.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
ENTR 4325 (3-3-0) Project Management Foundations (AGP)
(PROJ 5301)
This course explores the theory and practice of project management. Project management will emphasize planning, cost controls, cross-discipline coordination, scheduling, agile management, and the role of task forces. Students will be introduced to the utilization of Project Management software tools. Graduate students will develop the capacity to exhibit Project Management leadership. The course is consistent with Project Management Institute educational standards. (This course is AGP-eligible.)
Requisites: ENTR 3301, MANA 3301, STIM 3301.
Offered: Spring.
ENTR 4330 (3-3-0) New Venture Creation
ENTR 4330 integrates student learning from other courses in the business program to provide students with a capstone experience in entrepreneurship. Students will work individually and/or in teams to identify a business opportunity, assess its feasibility, conduct market research, and develop a professional business plan.
Requisites: MANA 3301, MRKT 3301, ACCT 2301, FINA 4320, ENTR 3301, ENTR 3305, ENTR 4301.
Offered: Spring.
ENTR 4331 (3-3-0) New Product Development and Marketing (AGP)
(MRKT 4331/MRKT 5331)
This course focuses on moving innovative and entrepreneurial solutions through the new product development process, with special emphasis on prototyping, market assessment, new product strategies, and other marketing concepts. The student will learn through the development of a strategic marketing plan for the new products or services considered. The course will also cover the process of securing patents, trademarks, and copyrights. (This course is AGP-eligible.)
Requisites: MRKT 3301
Offered: Fall, Spring.
ENTR 4345 (3-3-0) Business as Mission
(MAGL 5345)
Business as Mission (BAM) represents a movement of entrepreneurs and business leaders utilizing their business acumen to take the good news of Jesus into the world. BAM businesses hold a dual emphasis of strategic and sustainable business practices along with the witness of God’s love and grace through the relationships built in the marketplace. This course plots the history of BAM, the principles and practice of BAM, and the strategic role that BAM plays in making disciples of all nations.
Requisites: MANA 3301 recommended.
Offered: Alternate Fall.