EDUC 3302 (3-3-0) Development of Infants, Children, and Adolescents (S-L)
(PSYC 3332; SOCI 3332)
An interdisciplinary course emphasizing the psychosocial development of the child from conception through adolescence. A study is made of the physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and moral development of the child. A candidate who is seeking teacher certification must earn a final grade of B (3.0 minimum) in the course in order to receive credit. If not, the course will need to be repeated. This course contains a field-based service-learning component.
Requisites: Educator Preparation Program admission required if seeking educator certification.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
EDUC 3313 (3-3-0) Foundations of Teaching
(SPED 3313)
This course is an introductory course in education that will explore the requirements for becoming a certified teacher in Texas. Through this study, teacher candidates in this class will be expected to confirm that they are well-suited for entering the field of education. In addition, they will identify the characteristics of effective lesson planning and presentation, understand classroom management models used in public schools, begin forming a formal personal philosophy of education by studying the theories of prominent educational philosophers and affirm their commitment to the Texas Educator Code of Ethics and Standard Practices. (Additional course fee may apply).
Requisites: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
EDUC 3320 (3-3-0) Instructional Assessment
This course is required for all certification students in the College of Education. The teacher candidate will explore the full range of assessment in the classroom. Candidates will be asked to define and recognize norm-referenced and criterion-referenced assessments, differentiate among formative, diagnostic, and summative assessments, use each of these to remediate instructional gaps, and create and implement a candidate work sample.
Requisites: EDUC 3313 Foundations of Teaching.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
EDUC 3345 (3-3-0) Pedagogy of Kinesiology
(KNES 3345)
This course covers knowledge and skills in movement areas such as movement education, games, sports, stunts, tumbling and gymnastics, physical fitness, and rhythmic activities as well as physical health and safety and social development through movement. Emphasis on identifying the TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) in videotapes and observations, on writing lesson plans and teaching lessons, and on preparing for the appropriate portion of the TExES examination. Elementary school physical education observations at a local school are required.
Requisites: Sophomore standing.
Offered: Fall.
EDUC 4010 (0-3-0) Elementary Core Subjects EC-6 Seminar
(EDUC 5010)
This required course is designed to help students prepare for the Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES). The course will focus on content and sample questions from state authorized preparation manuals distributed by the Educational Testing Service. Information will also be gleaned from the state publication Proficiencies for Teachers in Learner-Centered Schools and other appropriate sources. Students must score a minimum of 85% on the TExES post-test in order to be authorized by the College of Education to take the TExES examination.
Requisites: Educator Preparation Program admission.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
EDUC 4011 (0-3-0) EC-12 Physical Education Seminar
(EDUC 5011)
This required course is designed to help students prepare for the Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES). The course will focus on content and sample questions from state authorized preparation manuals distributed by the Educational Testing Service. Information will also be gleaned from the state publication Proficiencies for Teachers in Learner-Centered Schools and other appropriate sources. Students must score a minimum of 85% on the TExES post-test in order to be authorized by the College of Education to take the TExES examination.
Requisites: Educator Preparation Program Admission.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
EDUC 4021 (0-3-0) EC-12 Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities Seminar
(EDUC 5021)
This required course is designed to help students prepare for the Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES). The course will focus on content and sample questions from state authorized preparation manuals distributed by the Educational Testing Service. Information will also be gleaned from the state publication Proficiencies for Teachers in Learner-Centered Schools and other appropriate sources. Students must score a minimum of 85% on the TExES post-test in order to be authorized by the College of Education to take the TExES examination.
Requisites: Educator Preparation Program admission.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
EDUC 4030 (0-0-0) Defense of Teacher Certification
Because of Dallas Baptist University’s quest for meaningful assessment of teacher candidates, a defense of degree is required in all College of Education Graduate Programs. Candidates seeking Texas Teacher Certification will be expected to defend their degree through a Lesson Plan Presentation. This presentation will be evaluated by the Educator Preparation Program Committee for assessment as evidence of program success in either the fall or spring semester, prior to beginning EDUC 4608 Clinical Teaching or EDUC 4301 Internship I. Candidates are to follow the Defense of Certification Lesson Plan guidelines provided by the College of Education. This course is taken for credit only and does not affect the student’s GPA (CR/NC).
Requisites: Student must have been accepted into the Educator Preparation Program and successfully completed Pathways course work – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
EDUC 4301 (3-3-0) Internship in Teaching I
(EDUC 5321)
Designed to meet the state guidelines for educators who are working toward teacher certification but are not enrolled in the traditional student teaching program. Interns are individuals who are currently employed as "teachers of record" by their respective school district/districts and assigned a regular classroom under the supervision of a mentor and a DBU supervising professor. A candidate must earn a final grade of B (3.0, minimum) in the practicum/internship course in order to receive credit. If not, the course will need to be repeated.
Requisites: Approval of the Dean is required.
Offered: Periodically.
EDUC 4302 (3-3-0) Internship in Teaching II
(EDUC 5322)
A continuation of Internship in Teaching I. A candidate must earn a final grade of B (3.0, minimum) in the practicum/internship course in order to receive credit. If not, the course will need to be repeated.
Requisites: Approval of the Dean is required.
Offered: Periodically.
EDUC 4303 (3-3-0) Developmental Stages of Early Childhood Through Adolescence (AGP)
(EDUC 5303)
The course includes an examination of the psychosocial development of the child from conception through adolescence—noting physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and moral factors. Respected age-appropriate theories of education and their practical application are studied. Curriculum and materials are examined and evaluated as related to state standards and a developmentally appropriate approach to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Observations in local schools are required. (This course is AGP-eligible.)
Requisites: None.
Offered: Fall, Summer, Online.
EDUC 4311 (3-3-0) Students with Disabilities in the General Education Classroom
(EDUC 5311)
This course will include the history of special education including IDEA and other federal and state legislation. Candidates will identify the characteristics of students with high and low incidence disabilities. The candidates will differentiate between accommodations and modifications for students and strategies for instruction. Candidates will learn the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) process and how this enhances the SPED process. The candidates will gain an understanding of the role of the general education teacher in the Individual Education Program and the function of the IEP in educating students with disabilities. The course will also introduce candidates tot he continuum of educational placements for students with disabilities, mainstreaming, current issues, and special topics.
Requisites: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
EDUC 4312 (3-3-0) Teaching Special Populations (S-L)
This course will prepare the teacher candidate to work with special populations including, but not limited to, English Language Learners, Special Education students (including gifted and talented), 504 Student, diverse socio-economic groups, and diverse cultural groups in the regular classroom. The teacher candidate will develop lesson plans addressing the needs of these special populations using effective strategies developed through appropriate educational research. A candidate must earn a final grade of B (3.0 minimum) in the course in order to receive credit. If not, the course will need to be repeated. This course contains a field-based service-learning component.
Requisites: Students must have been accepted into the Educator Preparation Program and successfully completed Field Base 1 course work.
Offered: Fall and Spring.
EDUC 4313 (3-3-0) Classroom Management and Organization in Culturally Diverse Settings (S-L)
This course focuses on research-based strategies in elementary, middle school, and secondary classrooms designed to create positive learning environments in culturally diverse field-based settings. Emphasis is given to strategies that promote the organization and management of classrooms, the response to disruptive behaviors, and the improvement of instruction. A candidate must earn a final grade of B (3.0 minimum) in the course in order to receive credit. If not, the course will need to be repeated.
Observation in local schools is required. This course contains a field-based service-learning component.
Requisites: Educator Preparation Program admission.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
EDUC 4314 (3-3-0) Best Practices in Teaching (S-L)
The focus of this course is to investigate the principles of brain-based learning and apply them to the classroom. Students will learn about the best practices for teaching students in order to promote effective learning. A candidate must earn a final grade of B (3.0 minimum) in the course in order to receive credit. If not, the course will need to be repeated. This course contains a field-based service-learning component.
Requisites: Students must have been accepted into the Educator Preparation Program and successfully completed Field Base 1 course work.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
EDUC 4315 Introduction to Designing Instruction (AGP)
(EDUC 5315)
An introductory course designed to include the aspects required for effective classroom instruction by a certified teacher in Texas. Through this study, teacher candidates in this class will be expected to understand effective classroom instruction, by designing rigorous lesson plans, understanding the appropriate cognitive levels of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), identifying constructive instructional strategies, and developing productive assessment methods. The candidates will also gain an understanding of the different systems that impact and influence curriculum, instruction, assessment, and accountability in the state of Texas. These systems would include but are not limited to, the Texas Educator Code, Texas Administrative Code, Texas Commissioner of Education, Texas Education Agency, State Board of Educator Certification, and the State Board of Education. (Additional course fee may apply). (This course is AGP-eligible.)
Requisites: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
EDUC 4316 (3-3-0) Studies in Classroom Management, Instruction and Assessment (AGP)
(EDUC 5316)
The course focuses on research-based strategies in elementary and secondary classrooms designed to create positive learning environments, to organize and manage classrooms, to respond effectively to disruptive behaviors, to improve instruction, and accomplish effective assessment. The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) will be used to plan instruction. Observation in local schools is required. Each student will be required to compile a portfolio using the learning outcomes of the course. (This course is AGP-eligible.)
Requisites: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Online.
EDUC 4317 (3-3-0) Designing and Implementing Instruction
(EDUC 5317)
This course is designed to continue building on the designing of a lesson plan for effective delivery of instruction. Candidates will become proficient in planning all parts of the DBU lesson plan, emphasizing the areas of content knowledge and accommodations and modifications. Candidates will become proficient in delivery of instruction.
Requisites: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
EDUC 4318 (3-3-0) Pedagogy of Math (AGP)
(EDUC 5318)
This course will provide the students with information about the best practices for teaching mathematics to students in grades EC-8. The students will investigate the research that confirms how students learn best and how to apply that information to the math classroom. In addition, the students will receive practical strategies, approaches, and techniques to use in a future classroom. Finally, the course will encourage students to create classrooms that maintain a positive and encouraging environment for the study of math. (This course is AGP-eligible.)
Requisites: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
EDUC 4320 (3-3-0) Instructional Technology
(EDUC 5325)
This course is designed to expose educators to the technology currently available for the educational environment. Students will get hands-on experience on all current educational technologies and participate in class discussions based on advantages and disadvantages of each. Trends and futuristic applications of technology will also be discussed. It is important to note that there are no computer requisites for this course.
Requisites: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
EDUC 4323 (3-3-0) Classroom Discipline for the 21st Century
(EDUC 5323)
This course focuses on current research-based strategies in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms designed to create a positive learning environment. Emphasis is given to behaviors that disrupt the learning environment, trauma-informed practices, relationship and community building, motivation, addressing aggressive students, de-escalation strategies, and understanding the impact of severe behaviors in the school setting.
Requisites: EDUC 4316/5316 (Pathways or MED in Teaching only).
Offered: Fall, Spring.
EDUC 4334 (3-3-0) Pedagogy of Fine Arts and Movement in the Elementary Classroom
(EDUC 5334)
This course is required by all EC-6 certification students in the College of Education. The teacher candidate will explore music, visual arts, and movement and their impact on instruction and learning in a regular classroom setting.
Requisites: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
EDUC 4435 (4-3-1) Secondary Pedagogy for Mathematics with Lab (AGP)
(EDUC 5435)
The teacher candidate will explore teaching strategies within a lab environment that will engage secondary learners in math discovery. The teacher candidate will plan lessons in math at his/her certification level using various teaching strategies. (This course is AGP-eligible.)
Requisites: EDUC 3313.
Offered: Spring.
EDUC 4436 (4-3-1) Secondary Pedagogy for English, Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) with Lab (AGP)
(EDUC 5436)
The teacher candidate will explore teaching strategies within a lab environment that will engage secondary learners in English, language arts, and reading (ELAR) discovery. The teacher candidate will plan lessons in ELAR at his/her certification level using various teaching strategies. (This course is AGP-eligible.)
Requisites: EDUC 3313.
Offered: Spring.
EDUC 4437 (4-3-1) Secondary Pedagogy for Natural Sciences with Lab (AGP)
(EDUC 5437)
The teacher candidate will explore teaching strategies within a lab environment that will engage secondary learners in the natural sciences discovery. The teacher candidate will plan lessons in science at his/her certification level using various teaching strategies. (This course is AGP-eligible.)
Requisites: EDUC 3313.
Offered: Spring.
EDUC 4438 (4-3-1) Secondary Pedagogy for History with Lab (AGP)
(EDUC 5438)
The teacher candidate will explore teaching strategies within a lab environment that will engage secondary learners in history discovery. The teacher candidate will plan lessons in history at his/her certification level using various teaching strategies. (This course is AGP-eligible.)
Requisites: EDUC 3313.
Offered: Spring.
EDUC 4439 (4-3-1) Secondary Pedagogy for Biology with Lab (AGP)
(EDUC 5439)
The teacher candidate will explore teaching strategies within a lab environment that will engage secondary learners in biology discovery. The teacher candidate will plan lessons in biology at his/her certification level using various teaching strategies. (This course is AGP-eligible.)
Requisites: EDUC 3313.
Offered: Spring.
EDUC 4608 (6-0-0) Clinical Teaching
(EDUC 5608)
This course provides students seeking certification the opportunity to observe, assist, and teach under the supervision of experienced teachers in locally accredited schools. Students will be required to (a) provide their own transportation to the schools, (b) successfully complete student teaching for a minimum of 14 weeks. This course must be taken as part of the clinical teaching semester. A candidate must earn a final grade of B (3.0, minimum) in the practicum/internship course in order to receive credit. If not, the course will need to be repeated.
Requisites: Educator Preparation Program Administration. All courses on a student’s degree plan are requisites for clinical teaching.
Offered: Fall, Spring. Due to state certification requirements, the start date for clinical teaching may begin prior to the first day of classes at the University.
MUSI 4010 (0-3-0) Music All-level Seminar (S-L)
(MUSI 5010)
This required course is designed to help students prepare for the Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES). The course will focus on content and sample questions from state authorized preparation manuals distributed by the Educational Testing Service. Information will also be gleaned from the state publication Proficiencies for Teachers in Learner-Centered Schools and other appropriate sources. Students must score a minimum of 85% on the DBU TExES post-test in order to pass the course and be authorized by the College of Education to take the TExES examination. This course contains a field-based service-learning component.
Requisites: Educator Preparation Program admission.
Offered: Fall, Spring.