Psychology (BS) Bridge Program (MAPC)
In accordance with the DBU mission statement, the undergraduate Psychology discipline seeks to provide Christ-centered quality higher education in the field of psychology and to encourage students to integrate the subject matter of psychology with the teachings of Christianity.
A major in Psychology provides the student with an overview of the field of psychology and an in-depth study of selected areas and subjects in this multi-faceted discipline. The Psychology curriculum features courses in psychological theory and in more technical or research-oriented subjects. While the integration of psychology and Christianity is a vital concern in each class, a whole course also is devoted to this issue. Graduates with a major in Psychology are equipped for entry-level positions in business, education, industry, the mental health field, and other areas where a psychology background is either required or enhances the individual's qualifications for employment. They also are prepared for graduate work in psychology or counseling which can lead to professional careers in those fields.
Goals of the Psychology Major
Students will have an in-depth understanding of the nature and functioning of the human being from the viewpoint of psychological research and literature.
Students will have an understanding of psychology and its application to addressing problems and improving the human situation.
Students will be able to integrate the principles of psychology with those of Christianity.
Students will be prepared for entry-level positions in careers related to the field of psychology and/or for graduate work in the fields of psychology and counseling.
Bridge Program Students:
courses | credit hours (bS) |
DBUE 1301 - Foundations for the DBU Experience | 3 |
Developing A Christian Mind | 3 |
English | 9-10 |
ENGL 1301/1401 - Composition and Rhetoric I ENGL 1302 - Composition and Rhetoric II and ENGL 2301 - World Literature I or ENGL 2302 - World Literature II | |
Fine Arts | 3 |
History Lower Level (LL) | 3 |
HIST 1301 - U.S. History to 1865 | |
Kinesiology | 1 |
KNES 1101 - Fitness for Living | |
Mathematics (3-4 hour course) | 3-4 |
Choose one: MATH 1303 - College Algebra MATH 1307 - Finite Math for Business Analysis MATH 1405 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry I | |
Natural Science (3-4 hour LL course) | 3-4 |
Choose one 3-4 hour course from Nat. Lab Science LL Course List. | |
Social Science | 3 |
Religion | 9 |
RELI 1301 - Old Testament Survey RELI 1302 - New Testament Survey and one additional RELI course from RELI Course List. | |
Total Core Experience | 40-43 |
Additional Program General Education Hours | 11-12 |
Choose two 4-hour courses from Nat. Lab Science LL Course List. Choose one 3-4 hour course from STEM LL Course List. | |
Major Core | 24 |
PSYC 1301 - General Psychology PSYC 2301 - Statistics for the Social Sciences PSYC 3303 - Psychology Internship I (S-L) PSYC 3311 - Marriage and Family Systems PSYC 4305 - Psychology of Abnormal Behavior PSYC 4311 - Integration of Psychology and Christianity PSYC 4316 - Human Growth and Development PSYC 4317 - Research Methods | |
Bridge Courses | 12 |
PSYC 4314 - Counseling Theories and Techniques (Bridge-eligible) PSYC 4326 - Foundations of Professional Counseling (Bridge-eligible) PSYC 4327 - Introduction to Ethics in Professional Counseling (Bridge-eligible) PSYC 4328 Introduction to Basic Counseling Skills (Bridge-eligible) | |
Electives | |
Upper-Level Lower or Upper-Level | 3 26-30 |
A 120-credit-hour minimum for a bachelor's degree is required, including 36 upper-level credit hours.
At least 12 credit hours in the major program must be completed at Dallas Baptist University, including nine upper-level course hours.
Minimum GPA Required for Graduation from Dallas Baptist University: DBU requires a minimum institutional cumulative, major, and minor GPA of 2.0.
(S-L) = Course(s) with field-based service-learning component.
Refer to individual course descriptions for course requisites.
Find course descriptions by category under the Undergraduate Course Descriptions section in the navigation panel.