At Dallas Baptist University, students learn to exemplify servant leadership and integrate Biblical faith and academic learning in their daily lifestyle, relationships, education, and career decisions.
DBU seeks students who are looking for a family environment in which to pursue their higher education goals. Opportunities await in academic activities, service projects, clubs and organizations, athletics, and ministries. Guided by the shepherding hearts of DBU's faculty and staff, our students are challenged to go into the world with a spirit of servanthood and an awareness of their Christian responsibility.
All persons seeking undergraduate admission must have either graduated from high school or have successfully completed the GED. Prospective students may apply online at https://www.dbu.edu.
As a requirement for students receiving federal financial aid, DBU must check the validity of a high school degree (34 C.F.R. 688.16). If DBU or the Department of Education has reason to believe that the high school diploma is not valid or was obtained from an entity that does not provide secondary education, DBU must review further. Acceptable documentation for checking the validity of a student’s high school completion may include the diploma itself or a final transcript that shows all courses the student took. In addition, DBU may contact the state department of education, if that department has jurisdiction over the high school, in the state in which the student earned the high school diploma. DBU may also consult with other colleges regarding the validity of high school diplomas. Student self-certification is not a sufficient means of verification, and if a high school diploma is found to be invalid there will not be an opportunity for appeal.
While self-certification is a sufficient means of verification for a conditional admissions decision, the admissions file will be considered incomplete until all documentation is provided to consider the file complete. The conditional admission status is only valid for the first two semesters at DBU. A completed admissions file will be required for a student to register for their second year.
Freshman Student Admissions
DBU invites applications from qualified students who have graduated, or expect to graduate, from an accredited secondary school. Students who apply as regular freshman enrollees must have graduated from high school or have satisfactorily completed the General Education Development examination (GED). Students who were educated at home are also invited to apply and are subject to the same qualifications and requirements.
A campus visit is recommended, but not required. DBU hosts Patriot Preview events each fall and spring semester to provide information on academic programs, campus life, financial aid, and scholarships, as well as to conduct campus tours for prospective students and their parents.
The following must be submitted by all freshman applicants:
A fully completed DBU Application for Undergraduate Admission.
Official high school transcript including school stamp and/or administrator’s signature, and date of graduation. It must be sent directly from the school via email, electronic portal, or in a sealed envelope bearing the school's logo.
Official scores of either the ACT, CLT (Classic Learning Test), or the SAT. *Applicants who have permanent resident alien status in the United States must also fulfill the requirements listed under “‘Other Applicants.”
Official copies of dual credit transcripts from all colleges in which the student has enrolled. These must be submitted before an admission file can be considered complete.
Freshman Admission Criteria
Careful consideration is given to a number of factors in reviewing applications and may include: academic records, class rank, standardized test scores, personal recommendations, church/ministry involvement, extracurricular activity participation, and community service. Applicants for admission are evaluated on the basis of the candidate’s academic record, character, aptitude, and potential for success in the DBU experience.
The following high school academic units are recommended:
English - 4 years
Mathematics - 3 years (must include Algebra I and Geometry)
Science - 3 years (minimum of 1 year Lab Science and 1 Biology credit).
Social Studies - 3 years
Foreign Languages - 2 to 3 years
Academics in Motion Admission
For students who are close to meeting the minimum admission requirements, the University may choose to offer admission through the Academics in Motion (AIM) program. AIM students may only enroll for a maximum of 16 hours during their first semester at DBU. An additional requirement for students in the AIM program is to complete one of the following courses during their first semester at DBU: READ 2100 – Advanced Reading Skills, LIBR 1100 – Foundations of College Research, or MANA 3100 – Time Management.
The academic progress of students who are admitted through the AIM program will be evaluated after each semester of enrollment until they have completed 16 hours at DBU. All AIM students who fall below a 1.60-grade point average will be placed on Academic Probation with additional requirements from the Registrar. A student who has been placed on Academic Probation will need to meet the required grade point average to avoid academic suspension.
Students desiring to live in the residence halls must complete a University Housing Application. Refer to the University Housing page on the DBU website for housing information.
Transfer Student Admission
Transfer students constitute an integral segment of the total student body at Dallas Baptist University. They bring a diversity of educational backgrounds that enrich and strengthen the overall academic experience for all students. A transfer student is defined as one who has been out of high school for at least one full semester and has attempted some college or university work for credit.
Students with transfer credit who apply to DBU must submit the following:
A fully completed DBU Application for Undergraduate Admission.
Official transcript from all previously attended colleges and universities. Transcripts must include school stamp and/or administrator’s signature, final GPA, and not be "in progress." It must be sent directly from the school via email, electronic portal, or in a sealed envelope bearing the school’s logo.
Applicants with fewer than 24 hours of college credit must provide official high school transcripts or GED scores.
Applicants who have permanent resident alien status in the United States must also fulfill the requirements listed under “Other Applicants.”
Transfer Admission Criteria
Applicants for admission are evaluated on the basis of the candidate’s academic record, character, aptitude, and potential for success in the DBU experience.
The following criteria are considered when selecting candidates for admission:
A grade point average of 2.5 or higher on all previous college work.
The following high school academic units:
English - 4 years
Mathematics - 3 years (must include Algebra I and Geometry)
Science - 3 years (minimum of 1 year Lab Science and 1 Biology credit)
Social Studies - 3 years
Foreign Language - 2 to 3 years.
Students educated through a non-traditional secondary education, which includes a course of study at the secondary level in a non-accredited private school setting or home school, must submit an academic transcript. The academic transcript must include a list of courses completed, final course grades, and cumulative grade point average. Official ACT or SAT scores must be submitted. The documents submitted must demonstrate that the student meets regular admission standards.
Academics in Motion Admission
For students who are close to meeting the minimum admission requirements, the University may choose to offer admission through the Academics in Motion (AIM) program. AIM students may only enroll for a maximum of 16 hours during their first semester at DBU. An additional requirement for students in the AIM program is to complete one of the following courses during their first semester at DBU: READ 2100 – Advanced Reading Skills, LIBR 1100 – Foundations of College Research, or MANA 3100 – Time Management.
The academic progress of students who are admitted through the AIM program will be evaluated after each semester of enrollment until they have completed 16 hours at DBU. All AIM students who fall below a 2.0-grade point average during the first 16 hours at DBU will be placed on Academic Probation with additional requirements from the Registrar. Should a student who has been placed on Academic Probation, not reach a GPA of 2.0 by the end of the semester following being placed on probation status, the student will be placed on Academic Suspension.
Students desiring to live in the residence halls must complete a residence hall application, University Housing Application.
Professional Studies Admission
Procedure and Criteria
The following must be submitted by all Professional Studies applicants:
A fully completed DBU Application for Undergraduate Admission.
Official Transcript from all previously attended colleges and universities.
Applicants with fewer than 24 hours of college credit must submit a final official high school transcript or official GED scores.
Applicants who have permanent resident alien or undocumented non-citizen status in the United States must also fulfill the requirements listed under “Other Applicants.”
Professional Studies Admission Criteria
The following factors are considered when selecting candidates for admission:
Careful consideration is given to a number of factors in reviewing applications and may include: academic records, class rank, personal recommendations, church/ministry involvement, extracurricular activity participation, and community service. Applicants for admission are evaluated on the basis of the candidate’s academic record, character, aptitude, and potential for success in the DBU experience.
The following criteria are considered when selecting candidates for admission:
A grade point average of 2.5 or higher on all previous college work.
Applicants with fewer than 24 hours of acceptable credit must provide:
A final high school transcript demonstrating the following:
At least a 2.5-grade point average.
Official Seal of the school.
Graduation date.
The following high school academic units are recommended:
English 4 years
Mathematics 3 years
History/Social Studies 3 years
Science 3 years (minimum of 1 year Lab Science)
Social Studies 3 years
Foreign Languages 2 years
Dallas Baptist University complies with all applicable federal and state nondiscrimination laws and does not engage in unlawful discrimination on the basis of age, biological sex, disability, veteran status, genetic information, race, color or national origin in any employment practice, admissions, education program, or educational activity. Under federal and state law, the University may discriminate on the basis of religion in order to fulfill its purposes.
Please see the Military & Veteran Student Information catalog section for important policies related to students anticipating Military funding and/or VA benefits (e.g., VA requirements for Transcripts and Military Transcripts, VA Student Responsibilities, VA Academic Progress Policy Guidelines, VA Academic Load, etc.)
Other Applicants
Re-Admission of Former Students
Students previously enrolled and in good academic standing in an undergraduate degree program who wish to re-enter DBU after an absence of more than 4 semesters are required to submit the full Undergraduate Application for Admission and official transcripts from each college or university attended since the last enrollment at DBU.
All students applying for re-admission to the University must have no outstanding financial obligation to DBU and must be current on all student loans. Students applying for readmission to DBU must meet the current admission standards as listed in the Transfer Admission Criteria or Professional Studies Admission Criteria.
Special Admissions
Students interested in taking courses, but who are not seeking a degree from DBU, may be admitted for non-degree study. All non-degree seeking applicants should apply through the Office of Undergraduate Admission and are advised by the Registrar. Students registering for courses with requisites must submit an official transcript confirming credit for the required requisites. Non-degree status would apply to persons in the following categories:
Transient Students
Undergraduate students who are continuing students at another university may be admitted to DBU as transient students. An unofficial transcript must be submitted with a completed application.
Transient students are admitted for ONE SEMESTER. If they wish to continue at DBU, they must return to the Office of Admissions and reapply as transfer students.
Post-Baccalaureate Student
A post-baccalaureate student is one who currently holds a bachelor's degree yet is enrolled in undergraduate courses and is not seeking a second bachelor’s degree at DBU. Post-baccalaureate students must submit a completed application and an official transcript from the university at which their bachelor’s degree was earned.
Admissions Procedures for Dual Credit Status
Dual Credit at DBU is designed for academically eligible high school students who desire to attend DBU while still enrolled in high school or home school. The University offers dual enrollment courses in the high school setting, online through the Pre-College Academy, and at the main campus. To apply for admission to DBU, dual credit applicants must submit the following:
Application – Dual credit students must submit the Application for Dual Enrollment available at https://www.dbu.edu/pages/dual-credit/
GPA Requirement – Dual credit students must have a minimum cumulative high school GPA of 3.0. Applicants failing to meet minimum GPA requirements may appeal for exemption. The appeal must be submitted to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
Transcript or Roster Verification – Students wishing to take courses online or at the DBU campus may submit a transcript to demonstrate fulfillment of the class standing and GPA requirements. Students taking dual credit courses at partner high schools may meet this requirement through a roster signed by the high school counselor and submitted to DBU. The roster must clearly state each student listed is in high school (9th grade or higher) and has a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Registration – Students taking dual credit courses at partner high schools will arrange course registration with their high school counselor. The counselor will submit a cumulative roster to the University’s dual credit coordinator in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Students taking courses online or at the DBU campus will coordinate registration with the University’s dual credit coordinator.
Audit Student
An audit student is one who visits in a course. Auditors have the privilege of hearing or observing only. The privilege does not include evaluation of work or participation in discussion or laboratory practice. Student must complete an admission application and register for the course during the late registration period. No credit is given for an audited course. An audit student may also be regularly enrolled in other courses. All arrangements for auditing classes are to be made in the Registrar's Office.
Permanent Resident Alien Students
Those students who are not citizens of the U.S., but do have official permanent resident status, must also submit the following:
A photocopy of your official, current Permanent Resident Alien (PRA) card. DBU admissions personnel must photocopy this card.
Original transcripts of all high school and college grades with literal translations into English. Students attempting to transfer credits received in secondary degrees or courses completed at universities outside the United States must send official transcripts to an approved evaluation service at the student’s expense.
Undocumented Non-Citizens Admission
Dallas Baptist University admits qualifying undocumented non-citizens who meet the admissions criteria of the University and who are eligible to sign an affidavit of Texas residency as described in Texas House Bill 1403. The University will consider admission of out-of-state undocumented non-citizens if such applicants intend to pursue permanent residency status in the United States of America at the earliest opportunity they are eligible to do so. Each applicant who is an undocumented non-citizen of the United States of America must sign and execute an affidavit of residency and submit it to the Office of Admissions for consideration.
Section 2 of House Bill 1403 states that an individual who is a non-citizen can be considered a resident of the State of Texas if the individual resided with a parent, court-appointed legal guardian, or conservator while attending a public or private high school in the State of Texas and:
Graduated from a public or private high school or received the equivalent of a high school diploma (GED) in the State of Texas.
Resided in the State of Texas for at least 36 consecutive months as of the date the person graduated from high school or received the equivalent of a high school diploma (GED).
Registers as an entering student in a college or university that is supported by the State of Texas.
Provides the college or university that is supported by the State of Texas an affidavit that the individual will file an application to become a permanent resident at the earliest opportunity the individual is eligible to do so.
If an undocumented non-citizen applicant to Dallas Baptist University meets the requirements as stated in sections 1 and 2 above and intends to file an application to become a permanent resident at the earliest opportunity the individual is eligible to do so as stated in section 4 above, he/she must complete the following affidavit and submit it to the Office of Admissions. Out-of-state undocumented non-citizens must contact the Office of Admissions for further instructions.
International Student Admission
Procedure and Criteria
Undergraduate International Application
All applicants who are not U.S. citizens, or do not possess a permanent residence card, should make application through the International Admissions and Immigration Office (not the Admissions Office). The International Admissions and Immigration Office is located in the Sadler Global Missions Center on the east side of the campus. The International Admissions Office may be contacted by phone at 214.333.6905 or by email: globalinfo@dbu.edu.
Documents Required Checklist.
All documents may be downloaded at https://www.dbu.edu/international/new-students/admissions-steps.html.
1. International Application
2. Official School Records with a minimum 2.5 GPA on the US 4-point scale. Official school records not in English must be accompanied by a word-for-word translation to English. The translation is not required to be certified.
3. English Requirements - Applicants must meet ONE of the following:
A. Provide an official TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
Minimum Internet-Based Score – 71
B. Provide an official IELTS (International English Language Testing System) with a minimum overall band - 6.0 (may not have any band lower than 5)
C. Provide an official PTE (Pearson Test of English) with a minimum score of 48
D. Provide an official CAE (Cambridge English: Advanced) with a minimum score of 163
E. Provide an official MELAB (Michigan English Language Assessment Battery) with a minimum score of 80
F. Provide an official iTEP (International Test of English Proficiency) with a minimum score of 3.7
G. Provide an official Duolingo English Test (DET) with a minimum total score of 100 and no sub-section lower than 90
H. Provide an SAT with a minimum score of 500 on the Critical Reading and Writing section
I. Provide an IB exam with a minimum score of 5 in the Higher-Level English A1 subject
J. Provide an AP exam with a minimum score of 3.0 in the English Language and Composition subject
K. Provide a passing KCSE (Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education) with a minimum English subject Score of B
L. Complete 2 years and graduate from an International High School that is an Institutional Accrediting Agency school in the U.S. or that teaches classes in English.
M. Complete 1 year and graduate from a U.S. High School with a 2.5 GPA in non-ESL classes and 12th Grade English
N. DBU will accept passing scores from other U.S.A. Institutional Accrediting Agency university ESL Programs if the student passed the highest proficiency level
O. DBU will accept passing scores from U.S.-based ESL programs that are accredited by either: Commission on English Language Accreditation (CEA), or Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET). Applicants must have passed at the highest proficiency level.
P. Complete the Intensive English Program (IEP) at DBU
Q. Apply for a DBU certificate, degree, or non-degree program that is translated from English into the applicant's official home country language.
R. The English Proficiency requirement may be waived at the discretion of the Assistant Vice President for International Affairs or the Vice President of International Affairs for students who previously studied in the United States. International students may be interviewed and tested by DBU staff to determine their ability to communicate effectively in English.
S. Note: The following countries are not required to prove English ability: Anguilla, Antigua, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British Guyana, Canada (except Quebec), Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica / other English-speaking countries in the West Indies, New Zealand, South Africa, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks & Caicos Isle, United Kingdom, Virgin Islands.
4. 250-Word Written Essay
5. Application for I-20 – Students who need an F-1 visa to study at DBU will need to submit an Application for I-20 to meet financial requirements.
Intensive English Program
The University welcomes applications to the Intensive English Program (IEP). Admission to the IEP may be in conjunction with acceptance to a University degree program or may be for the IEP only. The IEP has two paths: English for Academic Studies and English for Communication. The English for Academic Studies path is for students who have applied and been accepted to a DBU academic program but need to meet the English eligibility requirements for entrance to that program. The English for Communication path is for students who have not applied to a DBU academic program. Applicants interested in the IEP English for Communication path need to complete the admission application form and check the box, “Intensive English Program” on the application.
The Intensive English Program is a full-time language instruction program. Part-time enrollment is allowed for eligible students. IEP students are required to follow all US government regulations regarding registration and enrollment.
The IEP is conducted in five 8-week terms during the year. Students must begin their course(s) at the start of the term.
The IEP allows online students to join the Hy-flex courses remotely. A student cannot be enrolled in both in-person and online-only courses simultaneously.
There are six levels of IEP classes. Based on an entrance placement exam, students are placed in one of three major levels (basic, intermediate, and advanced) with each level divided into two specific student levels. Students have the right to appeal their IEP level placement before the end of the first week of classes, in which case the student's language abilities are reviewed through their current course work and instructor evaluations.
Hours of instruction per week:

All IEP students must attend University Chapel in the fall and spring semesters. During the summer term, the IEP enrolls students in the Christian Perspectives course.
English for Academic Studies Path (Full-Time Students)
For promotion to the next IEP level, students in the English for Academic Studies path must meet the following course grade requirements
a grade point average of 3.25 for their current term's IEP classes.
no course grade below a "C" in all classes.
grade of "CR" for credit/pass for any pass/fail course (e.g., Language Application).
The grade of a course for academic credit is not included in the GPA calculation.
English for Communication Path (Full-Time Students)
For promotion to the next IEP level, students in the English for Communication path must meet the following course grade requirements
a grade point average of 3.25 for their current term's IEP classes.
no course grade below a "C" in all classes.
grade of "CR" for credit/pass for any pass/fail course (e.g., Language Application).
Part-Time Students
Part-time students include both students on campus taking fewer than a full-time load and part-time online-only students.
Students in the basic or intermediate level(s) who successfully complete a course may take part 2 (part b) of the course and/or other courses within the same level. In order for basic-level students to become eligible for promotion to the intermediate level(s) or for intermediate-level students to become eligible for promotion to the advanced level(s), the part-time student must earn sufficient scores on the IEP Placement Exam. The student must do one of the following in order to be eligible to take the IEP English Placement Exam.
Complete three (or more) courses over 2+ terms (4+ months) of IEP classes with at least one course per term
Cumulative GPA of 3.25 for all courses completed in the IEP level
After the term is complete and final course grades have been submitted and processed, the potentially eligible students will be notified whether they have the option to take the IEP English Placement Exam. Eligible students will be invited to take the test before the next term. Students who earn scores for the advanced level will be promoted and those who earn lower scores will be retained in the intermediate level.
Full-Time Students in the English for Academic Studies Path
In order to qualify for meeting the university’s English proficiency requirements to enter an academic program, IEP students must have been enrolled in full-time IEP Level 6 courses of the English for Academic Studies pathway for the currently ending term and must earn the following course grade requirements at the end of the term:
a grade point average of 3.25 for their current term’s IEP non-credit classes
no course grade below a “C” in all IEP classes
grade of “CR” for credit/pass for any pass/fail course (e.g., Language Application, Graduate Preparation).
The university’s 4.0 scale will be used. The current term’s IEP GPA will include all IEP non-credit courses and exclude any course for academic credit.
Full-Time Students in the English for Communication Path
Students in the “English for Communication” pathway are not eligible to meet the university’s English proficiency requirement through the Intensive English Program.
Part-Time Students
Part-time IEP students are not eligible to meet the university’s English proficiency requirement through the Intensive English Program.
Students who fail to make adequate progress as indicated by not meeting the grade requirements for promotion to the next IEP Level may be placed on “IEP Probation” and repeat the class level. If a student in the academic path qualifies for promotion to a higher class level by earning sufficient scores on the English Proficiency Exam (IEP placement test) but did not meet the grade requirements for promotion, the student may be promoted AND placed on “IEP Probation.”
The decision to be made by the committee at that time regarding the student’s next term may be
a return to normal status,
continuation of probation,
suspension (not be allowed to enroll at DBU),
or some other recommendation determined by the committee.
The decision of the student’s status will be based on course grades, results of the IEP exit exam, and successful completion of the student’s responsibilities.
Additionally, the maximum that a student may study within the IEP is 12 terms of full-time studies.
English for Academic Studies Path (seeking credit)
Students are enrolled in a course for university academic credit. For August and January entrance to the program, the course may be a 16-week course that requires enrollment in IEP for 2 terms in order to complete it. For students arriving mid-semester for the October and March terms, a credit course is not available. Students enrolling in the Summer term may be enrolled in a 1-credit or possibly 3-credit course. The specific credit course will be determined by the IEP director in coordination with the student’s IEP level and academic program.
English for Communication Path (non-credit):
Students may not enroll in a university credit course.
For both paths, course enrollment is recorded with the University and course grades are part of the student’s academic record.
Students in the English for Communication path who apply and are accepted to a university academic program and will continue in the IEP must change to the English for Academic Studies path in the next IEP term. Students accepted to a DBU academic program and enrolled in the English for Academic Studies path are not eligible to change to the English for Communication path.
Students in the English for Communication path are eligible for university housing. Students in the English for Academic Studies program must follow university housing policies for academic students (e.g., half-semester housing rates are not available at the start of the academic semester).
Please contact the International Admissions and Immigration Department for more details at globalinfo@dbu.edu or 214-333-6905.
The Dallas Baptist University Intensive English Program is accredited by the Commission on English Language Program Accreditation for the period August 2022 through August 2023 and agrees to uphold the CEA Standards for English Language Programs and Institutions. CEA is recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency for English language programs and institutions in the U.S. For further information about this accreditation, please contact CEA, 1001 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 630, Alexandria, VA 22314, (703) 665-3400, www.cea-accredit.org.
English Language Institute
The University offers non-credit online courses and programs in subjects such as English and leadership for non-degree-seeking International students. Applicants interested in taking ELI courses need to complete the admission application form for the English Language Institute.
You may find more information regarding International Admissions at www.dbu.edu/international. This school is authorized under Federal Law to enroll nonimmigrant students.