Graduate Admission Information
If you have determined that pursuing a graduate degree is in your best interest personally and professionally, Dallas Baptist University has many advantages to offer you. Our graduate programs provide the knowledge, insights, skills, and perspectives necessary for you to succeed and excel as a leader in your field. Graduate classes are offered at times and locations that will fit your schedule, especially if you are employed full-time. You will benefit from the academic credentials and professional expertise our faculty bring to the classroom and the opportunity to interact with students of diverse ages, backgrounds, and experience
Dallas Baptist University welcomes applications from persons seeking a Christian education with high academic standards. Individuals who have demonstrated the ability and desire to excel in their chosen field have a greater chance of successfully completing a degree. The University reserves the right to restrict or deny admission to any applicant who is not considered to be an appropriate degree candidate as determined by the University.
Admission decisions will be made in a manner consistent with state and federal non-discrimination laws. Applications for admission are considered holistically without regard to age, sex, disability, race, color, or national origin. In order to promote a broad learning environment, DBU welcomes applications from individuals of diverse backgrounds.
The applicant’s academic record should show evidence of academic preparation and the ability to succeed in graduate studies. A satisfactory grade point average does not guarantee admission to graduate studies. Numerous factors are considered, including personality and character, leadership potential, professional or military experience, potential for service as a Christian professional. Graduate admissions may require the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) or Graduate Record Examinations® (GRE®), or the Graduate Management Test (GMAT).
In certain cases, a student may be required to enroll in requisite courses to make up any deficiencies in the major field of study, and personal interviews may be requested prior to admission.
Students desiring admission to any degree program must apply specifically for that program. Admission to one graduate program does not guarantee admission to another.
While former DBU students are encouraged to apply, previously receiving a degree from DBU does not guarantee admission.
Procedure and Criteria
Application Requirements
Applications for admission to a master’s program are processed by the Office of Graduate Admissions, located on the first floor of the Strickland Building. All persons seeking admission must complete the graduate application forms provided by the University. Applicants seeking admission will be required to submit the following:
A formal Application for Admission to pursue a specified master's degree program;
Official, final transcript from institution where bachelor’s degree earned, and official transcripts from each institution attended as a post-baccalaureate or graduate student;
A Statement of Purpose outlining reasons for seeking admission;
A current professional résumé.
Note: Church Membership Requirement (for Admission into the Master’s Ministry Degrees, Advanced Ministry Certificate Programs, EDD in Educational Leadership—all concentrations, and PHD in Leadership Studies’ Ministry Concentration): Within the last 12 months, the applicant must have been an active member of a Christian church that holds Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and who holds solely the Old Testament and the New Testament as sacred Scripture.
Additional conditions for continuance past the first semester of study may be specified by individual degree programs and/or the Master's Degrees Admission Committee.
All materials submitted will be kept three (3) years from the date of initial receipt. Applicants are encouraged to maintain regular contact with the Office of Admissions to ensure that all materials have been received and the file has been prepared for submission to the Master's Degrees Admission Committee. Application materials, once submitted, are the property of the University and cannot be returned.
Re-Admission of Former Students
Students previously enrolled and in good standing in a graduate degree program who wish to re-enter DBU after absence of more than 24 months are required to submit a new application, new official transcripts from each college or university attended since the last enrollment at DBU, and a current professional resume.
Students who have been absent from DBU for over five calendar years must re-submit the full Application for Graduate Admission, Letter of Intent, new official transcripts from each college or university attended since the last enrollment at DBU, two letters of recommendation, and a current professional resume.
Requirements for Full Admission
A Bachelor's degree from an institution accredited by a DOE recognized Institutional Accrediting Agency;
Evidence of sound moral character and compatibility with DBU's mission;
A likelihood of academic success as demonstrated by a GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale in all previous coursework;
A current professional résumé.
Additional conditions of full admission may be specified by individual degree programs and/or the Master's Degrees Admission Committee.
The Master's Degrees Admission Committee strives to take a holistic view of the applicant in order to determine the likelihood for success in a master's program. Applicants who show potential for graduate study, but do not meet the criteria for Full Admission may be admitted for up to 12 hours under Provisional status.
Provisional Admission
Applicants admitted under Provisional Admission must fulfill the conditions of this status as identified by the Master’s Degrees Admission Committee in order to continue in the program past 6-12 hours, depending on the program.
Students under Provisional Admission must maintain a 3.0 GPA and receive no grades below "B."
Students admitted under Provisional Admission will be granted Full Admission upon successful completion of 12 credit hours and fulfillment of the conditions of their admission as determined by the Master's Degrees Admission Committee.
Incomplete Admission
In some instances, applicants do not have time to submit all of the items required to be considered for Full or Provisional admission before the term begins in which they desire to enroll. Some applicants may not have the opportunity to provide both letters of recommendation, a résumé, or all of their official transcripts. In these cases, the Master's Degrees Admission Committee, upon receiving enough documentation (monitored by the Office of Admissions), may allow the applicant to register for one term. The applicant must complete the application process during the first semester and may not register for additional courses beyond the first semester until formal admission has been granted. However, formal admission to the University is not guaranteed.
Applicants with incomplete admission files are not eligible to receive disbursement of financial aid funds.
Deferred Admission
Applicants not meeting the criteria for Full or Provisional admission may be determined by the Master’s Degrees Admission Committee to show potential for graduate study. These applicants will be asked by the committee to complete certain requirements, such as requisite or foundational coursework and/or an entrance examination before an admission decision will be made. These applicants must fulfill all requirements which are determined by the Master’s Degrees Admission Committee as necessary prior to a final committee review and admission decision.
Note: Applicants for whom there is no evidence to demonstrate a likelihood for success in a master's program may be denied admission to the program.
Transfer of Credit for Master's Programs
To Request Information
To request a graduate information packet including the application materials and financial aid information, please call 214.333.5242 or 800.460.1DBU.
To Apply
If you would like to apply, go to
Procedure and Criteria
Requisites for Admission
Applicants must have a master’s degree from an accredited college, university, or seminary. Applicants will be considered holistically for doctoral programs. The decision for admission is based on a candidate’s overall qualifications on all the following criteria which include a likelihood of success in a doctoral program.
Criteria for Consideration
A cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher on a 4.0 scale
A score at the 50th percentile or higher on the Graduate Record Examinations® (GRE®). In lieu of the GRE®, applicants may, upon approval, submit the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), Miller Analogies Test (MAT), or other nationally-recognized aptitude tests with comparable scores
An admissions assessment instrument completed and submitted with the application
Professional experience
Letters of recommendation from three specific sources
An employer letter of support
Applicants for the EDD in Educational Leadership K-12 concentration will also be required to submit teacher certification and service records.
The invited applicant must be present for a personal interview during a one-day Admissions Interview Event at DBU
The Process of Application
Application for admission to the doctoral programs may be made by emailing or visiting the doctoral admissions page of the DBU website. The first step of the application process is to request an application information packet be sent to a mailing address. Several admissions forms, requests for transcripts, reference forms, return envelopes, and other helpful materials will be sent upon request. Inquirers may also make arrangements to pick up an application packet from the doctoral office of their choice and tour the campus.
Application for Admission to the Doctoral Programs
The applicants must meet specific admissions requirements for the program to which they make application for admission. The applicant must submit application packet items 1 through 9 listed below. Both the application packet items and the interview will be taken into consideration to determine if an invitation to study in the program will be extended to the applicant.
Doctoral Admissions Requirements: Admissions Packet Items
Official Transcripts. Official transcripts of all earned credit leading toward both baccalaureate and master's degrees must be submitted as part of the application.
Application Fee. A non-refundable application fee of $50 must be included with the application.
Entrance Examination Score. The applicant must submit as part of the application, the Miller Analogies Test (MAT), Graduate Record Examinations® (GRE®), or other approved nationally-recognized aptitude test.
Admissions Assessment Instrument. The applicant must complete, and submit as part of the application, the written Admissions Assessment Instrument, which will evaluate the applicant’s long-range professional and scholarly interests and goals, and potential for doctoral-level critical thinking and research.
Professional Experience. The applicant must submit, if applicable, a résumé that details the applicant’s employment history. Completion of one or more years of full-time employment by the applicant is preferred.
Letters of Recommendation. The applicant must submit as part of the application the designated letter of recommendation from each of the following three sources: (a) character or personal recommendation from the applicant’s church minister; (b) an academic recommendation from a professor with whom the applicant studied at the master’s level; and (c) a professional reference from a supervisor under whose oversight the applicant worked.
Church Membership Requirement. Admission to the EDD in Educational Leadership (all concentrations) and PHD in Leadership Studies’ Ministry Concentration, requires a recommendation from a staff member or church official of which the applicant is currently a member or faithfully attends. The church must hold Jesus Christ to be their Lord and Savior and hold solely the Old Testament and the New Testament as sacred scripture.
Employment Letter of Support. If the applicant is a full-time employee, a letter from the current employer indicating support of the applicant’s intent to pursue doctoral studies while the professional relationship is maintained must be included with the application.
English Language Requirements. All non-USA citizens, except those who received an accredited baccalaureate and/or master's degree from the United States, must take the computer form of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), the Test of Written English (TWE), and the Test of Spoken English (TSE). The required scores are as follows: TOEFL –those who score 250 or above may be admitted (84 for the Internet version); TWE – 5; and TSE – 50. These examinations should be taken no later than three months preceding the deadline for admissions. Official Copies from the national testing centers should be sent directly to DBU’s PHD program office or EDD Program office.
Admissions Application Interview
The applicant must be present for a one-day Admissions Interview Event at DBU. The applicant will provide a writing sample and participate in a personal interview to provide all parties with opportunities to assess the compatibility of the program and applicant.
Application Deadlines
The deadline for submission of the complete PHD Admissions Packet is mid-March for the following summer matriculation. The priority deadline to qualify for admission into the next EDD Program is June 1 for the following fall matriculation. Deadlines for the EDD in Educational Leadership K-12 concentration are June 1 for Fall cohorts and November 1 for Spring cohorts. Acceptance is contingent upon meeting admission requirements and availability of space in the doctoral courses.
Notification Regarding Admission
An applicant’s admission to either doctoral program is not based upon a single factor but on a composite of all factors relating to his or her application for admission that, in the judgment of the PHD or EDD Program faculty and PHD or EDD admissions committee, shows the applicant is qualified for doctoral level work. Students will be officially notified by mail whether they have been accepted into the doctoral program for which they have applied.
In the event that the student was declined admission, the student may be allowed to resubmit his or her application for a subsequent admission. When a student chooses to reapply, no application materials must be resubmitted and no second application fee is required. The student’s file is merely transferred into the applicant pool for the subsequent admission deadline. The student may, however, elect to resubmit any and all items for the application consideration process.
EDD Program Transfer Credit
A maximum of twelve (12) comparable transfer credit hours with a grade of “B” or better may be considered by the EDD Program Director and the appropriate Dean provided the following stipulations are met:
Transfer hours must be on the doctoral level, from an institution accredited by a US Department of Education approved Institutional Accrediting Agency, and may not have been used toward another degree.
Research and Statistics courses from other universities are accepted only as requisites or electives. They may not be substituted for required DBU Research or Statistics courses.
Students wishing to obtain Texas Superintendent certification through DBU must take their Superintendent courses at DBU.
Students who already have Texas Superintendent certification may transfer comparable courses into the EDD Program upon approval of the EDD Program Director and Committee.
Doctoral Cohort Program Transfer Credit
Students may petition for a maximum of up to twelve (12) transfer credit hours provided the following stipulations are met:
Transfer hours were completed on the doctoral level, from an institution approved by the Department of Education as an Institutional Accrediting Agency with a minimum grade of “B” and have not been used toward another awarded degree.
The courses are deemed equivalent to courses in the Doctoral program or approved Doctoral concentration courses at Dallas Baptist University.
Courses completed prior to initial enrollment in the Doctoral program at DBU were completed no more than five years prior to initial enrollment in the Doctoral program.
Research and Statistics courses from other universities are accepted only as requisites or electives. They may not be substituted for required DBU Research and Statistics courses.
Students may petition for transfer credits completed prior to initial enrollment or for approval to complete hours up to the twelve transfer credit hour maximum during Doctoral program year three. Transfer hours completed after initial enrollment may only be in the student’s area of concentration and must be successfully completed during the third year of the program. The Doctoral Program Director, the appropriate Dean, and the Doctoral Committee will consider and make decisions for all transfer credit petitions. These decisions made are considered final.
Transfer of Credit When Changing Doctoral Degree Program at DBU
Doctoral students changing degree programs may transfer only 12 hours of applicable graduate courses to DBU’s PHD or EDD Programs.
Procedure and Criteria
All applicants who are not U.S. citizens, or do not possess a permanent residence card, should make application through the Department of International Admissions and Immigration (not the Office of Graduate Admissions). The Department of International Admissions and Immigration is located in the Sadler Global Missions Center on the east side of the campus. You may find more information regarding International Admissions at, by calling 214-333-6905, or emailing
In addition to meeting the requirements outlined in the Admission Procedures, international applicants must meet the following requirements:
Submit the application for I-20 to meet the financial requirements while in attendance at Dallas Baptist University.
To fulfill English requirements, select one of the following:
A. Official TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) score results must be submitted for the applicant to be considered for admission: an internet-based test score of 79 must be attained on the TOEFL,
B. Official IELTS (International English Language-Testing System) overall band score of 6 with no individual band lower than 5.5,
C. Provide an official Pearson PTE with a minimum score of 53,
D. Provide an official Cambridge CAE with a minimum score of 169,
E. Provide an official Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB) with a minimum score of 80,
F. Provide an official International Test of English Proficiency (iTEP) with a minimum score of 3.9,
G. Provide an official Duolingo English Test (DET) with a minimum total score of 110 and no sub-section lower than 90
H. DBU will accept the passing scores from other USA Institutional Accrediting Agency university ESL Programs if the student passed the highest proficiency level.
I. DBU will accept passing scores from U.S. based ESL programs that are accredited by either: Commission on English Language Accreditation (CEA), or Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET). Applicants must have passed at the highest proficiency level.
J. Students may complete the IEP (Intensive English Program) at DBU to satisfy English requirements, thus no TOEFL or IELTS would be required*,
K. The English Proficiency requirement may be waived at the discretion of the Assistant Vice President of International Affairs or Vice President of International Affairs for students who previously studied in the United States. International students may be interviewed and tested by DBU staff to determine their ability to communicate effectively in English.
L. Note: The following countries are not required to prove English ability: Anguilla, Antigua, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British Guyana, Canada (except Quebec), Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica / other English-speaking countries in the West Indies, New Zealand, South Africa, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks & Caicos Isle, United Kingdom, Virgin Islands.
An international applicant who holds an F-1 student visa is required to carry a full course of study in the fall and spring semesters. A full-time load for a graduate student is nine hours. By choice, students may elect to take more hours.
Official transcripts with English translation must be provided. An additional evaluation by an approved credential evaluation service may be necessary.
International students who meet all admission requirements will be eligible for full admission to the University. All others who are approved for admission will be granted provisionary admission until these requirements have been met and 12 credit hours of graduate courses have been successfully completed. DBU does not issue I-20s for distance learning courses.
Dallas Baptist University understands the unique characteristics of international education and recognizes the diverse background and qualifications of our prospective students. In circumstances where an applicant has received a three-year bachelor's degree from a government recognized non-US institution, DBU will consider the three-year bachelor's degree as sufficient to meet the undergraduate degree requirement needed for application to graduate programs.
The University welcomes applications to the Intensive English Program (IEP). Admission to the IEP may be in conjunction with acceptance to a University degree program or may be for the IEP only. The IEP has two paths: English for Academic Studies and English for Communication. The English for Academic Studies path is for students who have applied and been accepted to a DBU academic program but need to meet the English eligibility requirements for entrance to that program. The English for Communication path is for students who have not applied to a DBU academic program. Applicants interested in the IEP English for Communication path need to complete the admission application form and check the box, “Intensive English Program” on the application.
The Intensive English Program is a full-time language instruction program. Part-time enrollment is allowed for eligible students. IEP students are required to follow all US government regulations regarding registration and enrollment.
The IEP is conducted in five 8-week terms during the year. Students must begin their course(s) at the start of the term.
The IEP allowed online students to join the Hy-flex courses remotely. A student cannot be enrolled in both in-person and online-only courses simultaneously.
There are six levels of IEP classes. Based on an entrance placement exam, students are placed in one of three major levels (basic, intermediate, and advanced) with each level divided into two specific student levels. Students have the right to appeal their IEP level placement before the end of the first week of classes, in which case the student's language abilities are reviewed through their current course work and instructor evaluations.
Hours of instruction per week:

All IEP students must attend University Chapel in the fall and spring semesters. During the summer term, the IEP enrolls students in the Christian Perspectives course.
English for Academic Studies Path (Full-Time Students)
For promotion to the next IEP level, students in the English for Academic Studies path must meet the following course grade requirements
a grade point average of 3.25 for their current term’s IEP classes
no course grade below a “C” in all classes
grade of “CR” for credit/pass for any pass/fail course (e.g., Language Application).
The grade of a course for academic credit is not included in the GPA calculation.
English for Communication Path (Full-Time Students)
For promotion to the next IEP level, students in the English for Communication path must meet the following course grade requirements
a grade point average of 3.25 for their current term’s IEP classes
no course grade below a “C” in all classes
grade of “CR” for credit/pass for any pass/fail course (e.g., Language Application).
The university’s 4.0 scale will be used. The current term’s IEP GPA will include all IEP non-credit courses and exclude any course for academic credit.
Part-Time Students
Part-time students includes both students on campus taking less than a full-time load and part-time online-only students.
Students in the basic or intermediate level(s) who successfully complete a course may take part 2 (part b) of the course and/or other courses within the same level. In order for basic-level students to become eligible for promotion to the intermediate level(s) or for intermediate-level students to become eligible for promotion to the advanced level(s), the part-time student must earn sufficient scores on the IEP Placement Exam. The student must do one of the following in order to be eligible to take the IEP English Placement Exam.
Complete three (or more) courses over 2+ terms (4+ months) of IEP classes with at least one course per term
Cumulative GPA of 3.25 for all courses completed in the IEP level
After the term is complete and final course grades have been submitted and processed, the potentially eligible students will be notified whether they have the option to take the IEP English Placement Exam. Eligible students will be invited to take the test before the next term. Students who earn scores for the advanced level will be promoted and those who earn lower scores will be retained in the intermediate level.
Full-Time Students in the English for Academic Studies Path
In order to qualify for meeting the university’s English proficiency requirements to enter an academic program, IEP students must have been enrolled in full-time IEP Level 6 courses of the English for Academic Studies pathway for the currently ending term and must earn the following course grade requirements at the end of the term:
a grade point average of 3.25 for their current term’s IEP non-credit classes
no course grade below a “C” in all IEP classes
grade of “CR” for credit/pass for any pass/fail course (e.g., Language Application, Graduate Preparation).
The university’s 4.0 scale will be used. The current term’s IEP GPA will include all IEP non-credit courses and exclude any course for academic credit.
Full-Time Students in the English for Communication Path
Students in the “English for Communication” pathway are not eligible to meet the university’s English proficiency requirement through the Intensive English Program.
Part-Time Students
Part-time IEP students are not eligible to meet the university’s English proficiency requirement through the Intensive English Program.
Students who fail to make adequate progress as indicated by not meeting the grade requirements for promotion to the next IEP Level may be placed on “IEP Probation” and repeat the class level.
The decision to be made by the committee at that time regarding the student’s next term may be
a return to normal status,
continuation of probation,
suspension (not be allowed to enroll at DBU),
or some other recommendation determined by the committee.
The decision of the student’s status will be based on course grades and successful completion of the student’s responsibilities.
Additionally, the maximum that a student may study within the IEP is 12 terms of full-time studies.
English for Academic Studies Path (seeking credit):
Students are enrolled in a course for university academic credit. For August and January entrance to the program, the course may be a 16-week course which requires enrollment in IEP for 2 terms in order to complete it. For students arriving mid-semester for the October and March terms, a credit course is not available. Students enrolling in the Summer term may be enrolled in a 1-credit or possibly 3-credit course undergraduate course. Graduate-level courses are not available for IEP students in the summer term. The specific credit course will be determined by the IEP director in coordination with the student’s IEP level and academic program.
English for Communication Path (non-credit):
Students may not enroll in a university credit course.
For both paths, course enrollment is recorded with the University and course grades are part of the student’s academic record.
Students in the English for Communication path who apply and are accepted to a university academic program and will continue in the IEP must change to the English for Academic Studies path in the next IEP term. Students accepted to a DBU academic program and enrolled in the English for Academic Studies path are not eligible to change to the English for Communication path.
Graduate students in the Intensive English Program are eligible for university housing and must follow university housing policies for academic students (e.g., half-semester housing rates are not available at the start of academic semester.).
Please contact the International Admissions and Immigration Department for more details at or 214-333-6905.
The Dallas Baptist University Intensive English Program is accredited by the Commission on English Language Program Accreditation for the period August 2023 through August 2032 and agrees to uphold the CEA Standards for English Language Programs and Institutions. CEA is recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency for English language programs and institutions in the U.S. For further information about this accreditation, please contact CEA, 1001 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 630, Alexandria, VA 22314, (703) 665-3400,
The University offers non-credit online courses and programs in subjects such as English and leadership for non-degree seeking International students. Applicants interested in taking ELI courses need to complete the admission application form for the English Language Institute.
You may find more information regarding International Admissions at This school is authorized under Federal Law to enroll nonimmigrant students.
Please see the Military & Veteran Student Information catalog section for important policies related to students anticipating Military funding and/or VA benefits (e.g., VA requirements for Transcripts and Military Transcripts, VA Student Responsibilities, VA Academic Progress Policy Guidelines, VA Academic Load, etc.)