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The list of courses below are approved choices for the additional general education language and/or biblical language requirements, unless otherwise specified by individual degree plans:

Lower level

ASL 1301 - American Sign Language I

ASL 1302 - American Sign Language II

BIBL 1401 - Elementary Greek I

BIBL 1402 - Elementary Greek II (Requisite: BIBL 1401)

BIBL 2301 - New Testament Greek I (Requisite: BIBL 1402)

BIBL 2302 - New Testament Greek II (Requisite: BIBL 2301)

BIBL 2303 - Biblical Hebrew I (Requisite: BIBL 1402)

BIBL 2304 - Biblical Hebrew II (Requisite: BIBL 2303)

CHIN 1401 - Elementary Chinese I

CHIN 1402 - Elementary Chinese II (Requisite: CHIN 1401 or equivalent)

CHIN 2301 - Intermediate Chinese I (Requisite: CHIN 1402 or equivalent)

CHIN 2302 - Intermediate Chinese II (Requisite: CHIN 2301 or equivalent)

SPAN 1401 - Elementary Spanish I

SPAN 1402 - Elementary Spanish II (Requisite: SPAN 1401 or equivalent)

SPAN 2301 - Intermediate Spanish I (Requisite: SPAN 1402 or equivalent)

SPAN 2302 - Intermediate Spanish II (Requisite: SPAN 2301 or equivalent)