Natural Sciences
NASC 3101 (1-1-0) Introduction to Scientific Literature
(BIOL 3101)
Introduction to various sources and types of scientific articles. Both oral and written critiques of assigned articles will be required.
Requisites: Completion of 16 hours of BIOL, CHEM, ENGR, GEOL, PHSC, and/or PHYS courses.
Offered: Spring, Periodically.
NASC 4101 (1-0-0) Natural Sciences Capstone
In this one-hour capstone course, students will synthesize and apply the knowledge and skills acquired throughout their natural sciences studies, focusing specifically on integrating content from their chosen concentration to address complex, real-world problems. Emphasis will be placed on critical thinking, data analysis, evidence-based conclusions, effective communication of scientific findings, and integration of the Christian worldview.
Requisites: NASC 3101
Offered: Fall, Spring.